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Bible Reading / God's Promises in Painful Times

Day 4 | God promises his love and comfort


Think back to when you were a kid. Do you remember feeling sick and just wanting the comfort of your parents? They made the best chicken noodle soup (or served you the best canned stuff!) and gave the best hugs. They were always there to take care of you and nurse you back to health. 

God’s love for us in our pain is like that, but greater. God is our Heavenly Father, always present for his beloved children to come to him in their pain to seek solace, affirmation, healing and tender care. God’s love is extravagant and unfailing. Nothing and no one can take his love from us – not even our own failings. 

Take time to seek God today, through his Word and prayer, coming humbly to him as his dear child, and let your heart receive his love and comfort. 
